Why pay the big price if all you want to do is locate your vehicles?

Let the information come to you.

A fleet of vehicles can be a company’s biggest expense. Like everything that happens in the office, it is normal to keep an eye on what happens on the road. Let us find the best tool that can get the information you need.

  • Automatically know how much to charge your clients.

  • Optimize your routes.

  • Quickly estimate an employee’s arrival time when asked by our clients.

  • Receive automatic alerts for vehicle maintenance.

  • Reduce your gas consumption.

  • Calculate your PTO usage time and your vehicles’ other external activities.

Many specific features for your industry !

IoTab specializes and adapts to your sector.

  • Transport industry

    • IFTA reports
    • Security rounds
    • ELD
  • Snow removal

    • Data sent directly to recipients
    • Notifications for remaining visiting points
    • Alerts to beneficiaries
  • Construction

    • Confirmation sent when your PTO is working
    • Theft prevention for your expensive machinery
    • Gas savings

How does it work?

A device is installed in the vehicle.

It is a simple installation if the device is visible to the driver. If you want to hide it, a professional installation is needed.

The information is sent to our cloud (virtual server).

You can monitor everything from the comfort of your home using our website or mobile app.


Why choose IoTab?

Unfortunately, the perfect product that meets all your needs does not exist. With loTab, you can choose among the market’s best performing products and conveniently bundle them into one payment. Also, we help you familiarize yourself with these new products.